Holistic recipes by Exertier

Holistic beauty is feeling good inside and out to radiate and feel beautiful and beautiful .

For this we have prepared small recipes and recommendations that are good for your body to help you feel at your best throughout your meals.

For good digestion

The famous celery juice will be your best ally for good digestion and to fight against bloating . Drink it in the morning on an empty stomach . Do not hesitate to add a hint of lemon to boost your metabolism and the action of celery .

Celery juice

Miso soups are also super allies for your digestion, perfect for fans of Asian food . The bonus point of this recipe: in addition to the usual base of a miso soup, be free to add whatever vegetables you like .

Also remember to top your salads and other dishes with olive oil . An excellent ingredient to boost your digestion , as are ginger shots , very easy to make with just fresh ginger , lemon and a touch of honey .

A boost of energy in the morning for good digestion : what are the people asking for!

Ginger and lemon

For beautiful skin

For beautiful skin in summer , choose light meals that are easy to digest and boost the radiance of your skin . For this, a nice spinach salad rich in fiber will be perfect to take care of your skin from the inside . Add with these spinach shoots whatever you like , quinoa , pumpkin seeds , tomatoes , avocado , lemon juice , malted yeast for vegetable proteins or chicken , without forgetting a nice vinaigrette with olive oil , vinegar and garlic , very good for your health.

This salad full of freshness will be the best companion for your skin and will give it maximum radiance .

For the winter , a nice butternut soup will revive your dull complexion due to lack of sun, make your soup with butternut squash , add onions , garlic , curry (according to your taste), zest lime and coconut cream .

A beautiful complete recipe that will awaken your skin and delight your taste buds .

Butternut soup

For your brain

Because taking care of your body also means taking care of your organs and therefore your brain .

To do this, choose fatty fish such as salmon , tuna , mackerel , herring and sardines . Treat yourself by diversifying the recipes according to your desires, don't forget the previous advice, sprinkle your fish with olive oil and accompany them with seasonal vegetables for maximum vitamins , energy and glow .

To treat yourself while taking care of yourself , we suggest the famous banana bread (with chocolate chips for those who wish).

Banana is a wonderful fruit for the brain and neurons and combined with chocolate , we know that it is a joy ( for our taste buds and for the brain )!

Banana Bread

For your mind

What ultimately pleases you is what will make you feel good , and that's all we want for you.

So if it’s a pizza, a cake, pancakes,… treat yourself !

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