The yum-ô-fruits of back-to-school

Miam-ô-Fruits is THE trendy breakfast of the moment. Its promises: a supply of good fats , energy (and more exercise), satiety , improved transit , a pretty complexion , in short. Miam-ô-Fruits is a food trend to try or adopt this fall. Discover the complete recipe from France Guillain, the originator of this meal. Firstly, know that Miam-ô-Fruit is sufficient in itself and that it can easily constitute a complete breakfast or lunch. To benefit from its benefits, you must add nothing and subtract nothing since its recipe is built as a perfect balance of contributions.

The recipe for the France Guillain method:

1st step :

Emulsify: 1 ​​crushed banana tomorrow + 1 tablespoon of linseed oil OR 2 tablespoons of rapeseed oil + 1 half squeezed lemon

2nd step:

1 tablespoon of flax and sesame + 2 tablespoons of 3 seeds of your choice (sunflower, walnut, cashew, macadamia, squash, almond, hazelnut, etc.)

3rd step:

Red fruit photo Add: 3 seasonal fruits, preferably organic. For the beginning of September, you can add figs, blackberries, blueberries, pears or apples. Click to view a calendar of seasonal fruits and vegetables

Some details :

It is absolutely necessary to avoid citrus fruits, melons and watermelon which are fruits that the body digests too quickly as well as fruits dried or cooked by the sun (especially prunes and grapes). You can add honey to your Miam-ô-Fruits! The ideal is to find local honey produced by a beekeeper committed to protecting bees. You have to take the time to chew each bite. It’s a meal that we take the time to enjoy to benefit from its benefits. Allow between 30 and 40 minutes . A debate remains regarding the benefits of Miam-ô-Fruits in winter. Fruits (especially the most watery ones) cool the system and such a diet is not suitable for all constitutions or in all contexts. So, Miam-ô-Fruits is a trend to try but above all you have to listen to your body and consult a nutrition professional when necessary.

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