Why include lotion in your beauty routine?

Futile, secondary and not obligatory step in a beauty routine... This is the a priori to banish when it comes to the famous lotions that you can use!

Thanks to a lotion, no more half-finished facial cleansing in the morning and hello to a perfectly detoxified face. Between removal of toxins, residues and secretions; all gently and without stripping the skin of your face.

But did you know that the benefits of lotion go way beyond that?
If not, stay on this article and let us reveal to you the 5 benefits of this super cosmetic which, after reading, will ultimately quickly become an essential part of your beauty routine!

Care Lotion

1. Lotion, synonymous with water but without drying out the skin

Have you ever washed your face with tap water? By habit or lack of other possibility, it is time to change! Indeed, tap water is generally loaded with limescale (to a greater or lesser extent) which, in the long term, will significantly dry out your skin . To replace it, it's time to adopt a lotion that will give you the same feeling of freshness but with the added benefit of comfortable skin that does not feel tight.

2. A cosmetic that rids your skin of impurities

Used to finalize facial cleansing, it will not only rid your skin of impurities but also clarify, detoxify and purify it in depth... Thus, the lotion has many ideal virtues for regaining clean, smooth skin. and unified but above all, cleaned from top to bottom.

3. For smooth and soft skin like that of a baby

Thanks to its astringent properties and its effective cleaning which respects your skin barrier by being gentle, the lotion will smooth your skin texture but that's not all! The result ? Soft , properly smoothed baby skin. As well as an awakened complexion generated by the tonic and fresh effect of the lotion.

4. Significantly boosting your other cosmetic treatments

Because the lotion perfects your skin cleansing and activates your blood microcirculation , it increases the effects of treatments applied on top, such as your day cream. Knowing that there are now no more obstacles (impurities) between your other products and your skin, this means that the actions of these other products will be able to fully reach it.

5. And be a perfect ally for sensitive skin

Often rich in active ingredients such as plants and flowers with soothing and healing properties , the lotion becomes the ally of the most sensitive skin! Whether it contains extracts of rose, orchid, chamomile, rosemary or arnica, the lotion will satisfy the skin subject to external aggressions and will balance the ph of your skin .

Our recommendation?

The Exertier Care Lotion rich in Venus Slipper extract and Jojoba Oil, both rebalancing , anti-oxidant and which will prepare your skin to receive its care while hydrating it .

Care Lotion

Preparation + Booster | 35€

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